Horus Heresy Narratives
Brought to you by Jason and Kevin from the Basement Wargamers club. This is not an event managed by Shorehammer.
You can contact them at ShorusHeresy@gmail.com
Shorus Heresy 2024
The battle for Anvil 206 rages on! The combined forces of the Dark Angels and Raven Guard faced the Alpha legion in their true colors and disguised as Space Wolves, to try to sow discord amongst the Loyalists. Loyalist forces were able to claim the fuel reserves and depot while routing the Traitors. The victory was not without some loss as the Traitors were able to sabotage the power network, plunging the whole area into darkness.
The Warmaster’s forces managed to land a Titan on the outskirts of the city but it was taken out of action through a daring armored raid by the Iron Hands.
In the Capitol City, the Death Guard suffered a torrent of fire from low orbit and still fought the Imperial Fists to a standstill. Vox communication across the area has been intermittent at best and completely down at worst.
The orbital platform was overrun by Traitor forces of the Emperor’s Children and Salamanders. The Mechanicum forces stationed there were no match for the Astartes’ fury.
Narrative Rules
ZM tables: Loyalists can deploy 1 Elites unit on a neutral edge for 1 resource point during the deployment phase.
Standard tables: Loyalist forces can give 2 infantry units or 1 vehicle the Outflank special rule per Loyalist player
Fear the Dark:
Traitors can designate up to 2 ZM tables and 1 standard table to be under Night Fighting the entire game. Searchlights will not work on those tables.
Fuel Shortage:
Traitor vehicles can only move on turns 1 and 2. On Turn 3, on a roll of 4+, they move that turn. On turn 4, all Traitor vehicles become immobilized after running out of promethium.
Named Characters:
1 named, non primarch character per player. Traitor side can deploy a combined 2 primarchs to the tables. This is in addition to the 1 named non-primarch character
Force/Team Composition
ZM tables: 1500 points per player. ZM games will be 1 v 1 on a 3’x3’ table
Standard tables: 1500 points per player. Standard games will be 2 v 2 on a 4’x6’ table
Packet info is subject to change based on rule releases between now until Shorehammer
Zone Mortalis tables:
Deployment and Reinforcement: Each player receives 8 reinforcement points at the beginning of the game and roll-off to decide who chooses to deploy first or second. At the end of the player turn, the active player will gain 2 reinforcement points. Deployment in the flank is an additional 1 reinforcement point and deployment from the opposing board edge is 2 additional reinforcement points.
Deployment zones are 8” in from near edge, with a 20” no mans land
Objective Markers: After deployment a single objective marker is placed in the center and then 2 objective markers are also placed in center and scattered 3D6 in a random direction.
First Turn: The player who deployed first also has the first turn, unless their opponent can steal the initiative(7+, reinforcement points may be spent before the roll to increase the result)
Game Length: After 4 turns, roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, a 5th turn is played. After turn 5 roll a D6, on a 4+, a 6th and final turn is played.
Primary Objectives: At the start of each turn, the current active player gains 1 VP for each battlefield third they have a scoring unit in.
At the end of the game, each objective marker is worth 3 VP.
Secondary Objectives: Slay the Warlord(1 VP) , Attrition (# of points left) (1 VP), Challengers of Renown
Challengers of Renown: 1 VP for each unit with the Character sub type kill in a challenge
Mission Special Rules: Reinforcements, Firestorm and Shrapnel, Nowhere to Hide, Blind Panic, and Mysterious objectives
Mysterious Objectives: The first time a unit completes its move within 3” of an objective marker, the unit must investigate it. To do so, the units controlling player rolls a D6, and consults the chart below. Each objective marker can only be investigated once.
1: Sudden Void Detonation-All models on the board must pass an initiative test or be removed from play. (Heavy, Dreadnought, and Automata units may reroll the test)
2: Moving Target-Objective is scattered 2D6 in a random direction (may not be placed in impassable terrain)
3: Whirly Spins-All the objectives move D6+3 inches in a random direction
4: Stinky Bombs-Units charging a unit within control range of the objective must take a Dangerous Terrain check
5: Charge Me, I Dare You!-Unit gains Counter Attack (1)
6: Its Naht A Tumah!-Unit gains FNP (6+) and Fear (1)
The Killing Fields:
Deployment: Follow standard deployment rules per core rulebook. Deployment zones are 12” in along the long table edge.
Game Length: 5 turns, on a 5+ play a 6th and final turn.
Primary objective: Kill em all! This is a kill points scenario. The only objective is utter annihilation. At the end of the game, total up how many points of each army is dead, or alive, whichever way is easier. Units/models under half starting model count/hull points/wounds are counted as fully destroyed for tallying purposes. The side with the higher points alive will get 10 VP.
Secondary objectives: Slay the warlord (2 VP) First blood (1 VP), Challengers of Renown
Challengers of Renown: 1 VP for each unit with the Character sub type kill in a challenge
Special rules: Rules for fortification models will be in effect. A copy of the relevant rules will be provided.
Streets of Rage:
Deployment: Follow standard deployment rules per core rulebook. Deployment zones are 12” in along the long table edge.
Game Length: 5 turns, on a 5+ play a 6th and final turn
Primary objective: Advance! The table is divided into four 12”x 6’ strips, including the deployment zones. At the end of the game: Score 1 VP for each unit in your deployment zone. Score 2 VP for each unit in the strip closest to your deployment zone. Score 3 VP for each unit in the strip adjacent to the opponents deployment zone. Score 4 VP for each unit in enemy deployment zone. Only Units/models over half starting model count/hull points/wounds can score. Units must be wholly within the strip, any unit straddling the line will be counted as lower point value.
Secondary objectives: Slay the warlord (2 VP) First blood (1 VP), Challengers of Renown
Challengers of Renown: 1 VP for each unit with the Character sub type kill in a challenge
Special rules: All first floors block line of site, regardless of what physical terrain looks like.
Rewards of Honor and Treachery
Shorus Heresy 2025 will be an Apocalypse style battle featuring both ZM and standard battle areas. Victories at Shorus Heresy 2024 will grant the following:
ZM tables:
Loyalist victory: A distress call was sent and 2 loyalist primarchs can be fielded.
Traitor victory: Power in Pain, 1 destroyed traitor titan can return to the field at full strength or repair one titan that is below half its starting strength.
Killing fields:
Winning side: Gains +100 points per player for SH 2025
Losing side: All leadership values are reduced by 2 and all vehicles will start with 1 less hull point
Streets of Rage:
Winning side can choose to be attacker or defender in Apoc game. Up to 4 pieces of terrain may be moved up to 6” in any direction or be removed. Up to 2 ZM tiles may be swapped for a different tile layout or be removed.
Specifics of each table's details and mission is in the player event pack HERE.