40k Narratives
Thrill in the warfare simulation as you and your fellow players work together as brothers and sisters in arms to defeat the other side!
I won’t give away all aspects for the sake of surprise, but be prepared for each player to have an important battle field role. Failure means letting your team mates down and victory means being an All-Star of the battle.
This is not about winning. This is about telling a story and taking part in an epic narrative game. The winning side receives bragging rights.
Changes for 2024: There is a renewed focus on individual player's characters. Players will portray the battlefield commander for their forces, as well as have a personality and secret goals (some goals may even be at odds with your teammates!)
The Shoreham Segmentum
A system rife with hostile spacial anomalies and solar storms, it has been a region deemed to hostile to investigate since the Great Rift. What began as hushed rumors soon spread to all factions: The Shoreham Segmentum's deadly purple storms were not associated with the Great Rift, they were being caused by a power source unlike anything any faction had encountered. It took years for the different groups to arrive, and when they did, many lost ships from the terrible storms.
The planet Bellis was the easiest to access and the first to see combat.

Thursday Tactical Strike Battle
Small elite squads of troops will be the vanguard strike to reconnoiter the situation of the ground before the bulk of the forces arrive. Stealth, precision and accuracy is needed to complete the mission and pave the way for your brothers and sisters in arms on Friday. The outcomes of this battle will directly effect Fridays big battle
List Building: Only Infantry units may be taken.
List Points: 400 points*
Max Model Count: Each unit may only have the minimum number of models.
Army Stratagems are not used, only core rule book Stratagems.
No Enhancements are allowed.
Visible range for all units is 18”, they cannot shoot farther.
Example Army Lists:
Space Marines:
Tactical Marines x3, 1 Sergeant w/ Power Sword, 1 Marine w/ Missile Launcher
Aggressor Squad x3 Auto Bolt Storm Gauntlets
Friday Narrative Big Battle
The giant 24-foot table will broken up into 4 6-foot boards. Each board will be a 3v3 battle featuring a narrative mission that is key to the success of the larger battle. Before the game begins, each mission will be explained to the Generals of each side and each side will take turns assigning a player to specific missions until all are assigned a mission.
The two teams will be Order and Chaos.
All other armies (Orks, Necrons, etc.) will be split between the two sides as different factions because warbands choose their sides for different reasons.
We are only allowing 24 player spots for this event, so get yours early.
This is one of the only gaming events at Shorehammer which requires painted models. We require at least 3 colors on your models, but basing is not required.
Lists need to be 1 Army per player (no allies).
Normal Matched Play army composition restrictions apply.
No Imperial Armor units, Titanic, Unpainted Miniatures, Named Characters or Supreme Commanders allowed.
We are using mostly Matched Play Rules.
Lists are a maximum of 1000 points per player, and no more than 8 units. (Dedicated Transports count toward your unit maximum, but the first Dedicated Transport in your list will not count towards your maximum.) Characters attached to a unit are not counted at a unit either.)
Lists CANNOT be more than 70 models total.
Enhancements may be taken.
Before each game, each player receives 1 Command Point. Players will receive additional CP each round as per Matched Play rules.
Teammates that share the applicable keyword cannot be effected by friendly players’ buffs and abilities.
Saturday Narrative Titanic Battle
The giant 24-foot table will be broken up into 4 6-foot boards. Each board will be a 2v2 battle featuring a narrative mission that is key to the success of the larger battle. Before the game begins, each mission will be explained to the Generals of each side and each side will take turns assigning a player to specific missions until all are assigned a mission.
The teams will be sorted in the same way as the other narratives above.
We are only allowing 24 player spots for this event, so get yours early.
This is one of the only gaming events at Shorehammer which requires painted models. We require at least 3 colors on your models, but basing is not required.
Up to 1 Titanic model is allowed per player.
Lists MUST contain a minimum of 1 Leader and 1 Battleline.
No Imperial Armor units, Unpainted Miniatures, Named Characters or Supreme Commanders allowed.
We are using mostly Matched Play Rules.
Lists are a maximum of 1500 points per player, and no more than 10 units. (Dedicated Transports count toward your unit maximum, but the first Dedicated Transport in your list will not count towards your maximum.) Characters attached to a unit are not counted at a unit either.)
Lists CANNOT be more than 70 models total.
Enhancements may be taken.
Before each game, each player receives 1 Command Point per unit of Battleline they took in their army list. Players will receive additional CP each round as per Matched Play rules.
Teammates that share the applicable keyword cannot be effected by friendly players’ buffs and abilities.