Marvel Crisis Protocol
Tournament Friday Night at 4:30-11:30pm
A Marvel: Crisis Protocol Tournament Event.
Registration -4:15pm
Game start -4:30pm
-Painting is not required but there will be a best painted award, voted on by the players.
-Each player will bring a normal roster of up to ten characters. Please have extra copies of your list for the TO and for your opponents. If you don't have your list ready ahead of time please arrive early to the event to fill out a roster sheet.
-Each of the 4 rounds will last 1 hour 30 minutes with an hour dinner break after the second round. Voting for best painted will take place during the dinner break.
-Loose dice and small dials may not be used for power/health. If you'd like to use ten sided dice they must be in a tray and easily readable by your opponent. Dials must be large enough to clearly see from across the table. Tokens are of course acceptable.
-This event will being using the Challenger event tournament STANDARD timeline
-In addition only kits that have been released in the US at least a week before the event will be allowed.
- The winner of this event will go on to the finals and be the 8th seat in the Mid Atlantic crisis Circuit finals the next day.
-Ban list, FAQs and errata can be found here:
-The Event can also be found on Longshanks.org and will be used for pairings and result submissions. Please register you account on Longshanks at the following event link: Mid Atlantic Crisis Circuit LCQ
-If you have any questions feel free to message Target Acquired Gaming or Jonathan Doyon
Doubles Tournament Saturday 4:30-11:30pm
This Marvel Crisis Protocol Doubles Tournament is a Standard Challenger Event for a team of TWO. Brothers in arms must join forces, pool resources and fight side-by-side to save or conquer the maps. Teams are primarily rewarded for their battlefield skill, but also their all-round hobby acumen such as sportsmanship, Amazing looking Teams and overall theme. If you want to test yourselves on the Map with good cheer and awesome models, but with a friend at your side, then a Marvel Crisis Protocol Doubles Tournament is for you.
This 3 round Tournament will use the MCP Standard game format with the following modifications to the BUILDING A ROSTER section
found on page 9 of the Crisis Protocol Rulebook from the Earth’s Mightiest Core Set.
• A team will consist of 2 team members ( If you need a partner please reach out and we will do our best to find you one)
• Each team member will build a roster of 7 miniatures, 5 Tactics cards.
• The combined team will have 3 Secure and 3 Extraction Crisis Cards.
• The Team Up! Event will add 4 to the maximum threat value.
When BUILDING A SQUAD (page 11) each team member will select miniatures. One player must select miniatures equal to half the
determined threat value +/- 2 and the remaining player selects miniatures to make up the difference.
• Each player will select 3 Tactics cards and form a combined Team Tactics deck of 6 cards.
• The combined team’s miniatures, tactics and crisis cards must be UNIQUE and all banned and restricted lists apply.
• The combined team can have one leader and team affiliation across both squads.
• Each team member is responsible for the decision making and moving of their models.
• Players must use the same roster throughout the tournament.
• This event will be using the Standard Timeline
• This event will be using Swiss Round Times outlined in the Challenger Rules with the following exceptions: The base round time will be 120 minutes instead of 90 and the round timer will start 5 minutes after the scheduled start time to the round. This will allow
10 minutes at the end of the round for players to clean up.
• Check in for the event will be 30 minutes before the dice roll.
sign ups are below
Marvel Team Up Doubles event