AoS Tournament
Tournament Limit: 36 Players.
First come, first serve so buy yo ticket bruh.
It will feature three rounds of Matched Play games on 4x4 boards. Each game will conclude at the end of turn 4. We are using the most current edition of the General’s Handbook with all updated points costs, rules, Allies, and FAQs:
First Game: 5 Objectives.
End of your player turn:
Blue Objectives are worth 1 VP.
Green Objective is worth 3 VP.
Each square is 6”x 6”
Second Game: 6 Objectives.
End of your player turn:
Blue Objective is worth 0 VP.
Orange Objectives are worth 1 VP.
Green Objective is worth 3 VP.
Each enemy unit removed from the board earns you 1 VP (to a maximum of 5 VP for the game)
Each square is 6”x 6”
Third Game: 7 Objectives
End of your player turn:
Blue Objectives are worth 0 VP.
Orange Objectives are worth 1 VP.
Green Objectives are worth 2 VP.
If you killed the opposing General, you score 3 extra points.
Each square is 6”x 6”
We are totaling all VPs earned during all games. All Victory Points a player has earned will be tallied up and the winners are decided using the highest scores.
Opponents are chosen based off of your Win/Lose score then ranked by total aggregate scores.
At the end of the third game, each player will secretly write down the name of the player that was the most fun to play against. Ties will be broken by which player (if either) was chosen as an opponent’s favorite, and further ties will be broken by which army is most completely painted and based.
Each player should come with a 1500 point army chosen from a single alliance army book using the points in the current General’s Handbook.
Following all normal list building rules except:​
- No Named Characters are allowed. (Otherwise known as Unique)
- No more than 3 of each Warscroll taken in a list.
No Battle Tactics
No Regiments of Renown are allowed.
No Manifestations are allowed.
Compendium Armies ARE allowed.
All rules will be taken from the Matched Play section of the most current edition of the General’s Handbook.