Flames of War
Mid-War Tournament "Stepps in the Sand II"
TO: Pete Zerphy
Sponsored by: Central Gaming Corps
When: Saturday 11am to 7:30pm
MW 75pts Dynamic Points 3 rounds, 2hrs 15min each Build: Anything goes no limits on build or stances, MWM, Wildcards and Community Cards allowed. Mission selection: Extended Battle Plans Matrix
Friday Schedule Round 1- 11:00 Lunch 1:15 -2:30pm Round 2- 2:30pm Round3- 4:45pm Wrap Up and Awards 7:00-7:30pm
Late-War Tournament "Battle of the Beach Bulge II"
TO: Pete Zerphy
Sponsored by: Central Gaming Corps
When: Saturday 9am to 7:30pm
20 Player limit Late War escalation: 60-80-100-120 points. 4 Rounds of Action! Build: Round1 is 60pts and each round goes up by 20pts. The original 60pt list must be present in each subsequent list but may be added onto. For example: you start with a 7 team rifle platoon in the 60pt list. In the 80pt list you can make that 7 team rifle platoon and fortify to a 10 team rifle platoon. In the 100pt list you can take it back to the 7 team rifle platoon to free up those points to be used elsewhere if you choose. Just remember the original 60pts has to be present in each list. Cannot use same stance more than twice. Mission to be determined.
Saturday Schedule Rounds 1, 60pts: 9am- 1hr 45min Round 2, 80pts: 11am- 2hrs Lunch 1:00 pm- 1hr. Round3, 100pts: 2:00 pm- 2hrs 15min Round 4, 120pts: 4:30 pm- 2hrs 30min Wrap Up and Awards 7:30-8:00PM
Look for more information/Details on the Delmarva Flames of War Facebook Events page.
Any Teaching, Open games, or tournament questions can be sent to pastorpetez@gmail.com or gamingundergroundminiatures@gmail.com